This year, North Carolina lawmakers OK'd several pieces of legislation to support veterans and their families. | Stock Photo
This year, North Carolina lawmakers OK'd several pieces of legislation to support veterans and their families. | Stock Photo
A state house representative said that he was proud of the work lawmakers accomplished this year when it comes to living up to North Carolina being regarded as the country's "most military-friendly state."
"Very proud of the work we've done this year in the state legislature to help support North Carolina's military families and veterans," Rep. John Bell IV said in a July 23 post to his Facebook page.
Some of the legislative highlights Bell noted made it easier for military families to find employment, more financial support for higher-learning and also a measure providing children with excused absences to spend more time with a military parent preparing to deploy.
Though the Republican lawmaker was proud of the legislation passed to support veterans and their families, he said that more still needs to be accomplished going forward.
"There is always more work to be done to support those who have answered the call to duty," Bell said in his Facebook post. "In North Carolina, we are proud of our military – and it is exactly why we will always strive to be the 'Nation’s Most Military Friendly State.'"